About Us


Our Business

Legal Assessment Services (LAS) is a psychological assessment provider intended for people who are required to appear in the Local and Magistrates Court for sentencing criminal matters after a plea or once found guilty of an offence.

Our services focus exclusively on providing personality profile reports through the use of identified psychological tests. Powered by Indice Reporting, the Indices Interpretation Report - Legal,(IIR-L) has been created by drawing from unique knowledge of both Law and Psychology. The information collected will provide an insight of the defendant, that a solicitor and magistrate will find useful in the process of sentencing.

After completing the LAS program, clients are provided with a report that can be used within the Court to assist them with presenting their best possible case. Solicitors can use the report when addressing the Court and will be able to draw on significant attributes and personal qualities of the defendant to the Magistrate.

For Solicitors

Our objective is to provide an online service which will assist you, as a litigator to build the best possible case for your client. The IIR-L present the demographic information that is relevant for a sentence proceedings, including age, gender, economic status, education levels, home living conditions and the like.

More pertinently IIR-L has been designed to assess each individual client based on personality and unique behaviour factors including indicators of depression, anxiety, impulsivity, social desirability, openness, conscientiousness, temperament, anger management and substance issues.

Unlike a typical clinical report the IIR-L is a short form concise report that has been specifically designed for submission within the context of the volume of work faced by the Local and Magistrate Courts.

The material is designed in a structured fashion to assist you in representing your clients interests in a way that will clearly articulate your client and their personal situation in a report style, which is best suited to the time restraints and limitations of a Court environment.

In addition, the IIR report will provide you with in-depth knowledge about your client. By using this report you will be able to draw on your clients demographic information, psychological results and personality profile when presenting their case to the Court.

For Defendants

Perhaps the single greatest concern for any accused is feeling that their representative and the Court knows enough about their circumstances and who they are as a person.

With the volume of cases that are heard every day it is easy to forget that for individuals facing a Criminal sentence is exceptionally stressful and potentially life changing.

Hours and weeks of preparation has to be effectively condensed, often to a few short minutes.

The IIR-L has been designed with all of these concerns in mind. Being created with the assistance of both Lawyers and Psychologists, the report seeks to capture the vital personal information that can impact on your sentence.

Further by presenting in a simple, easy to read format, you are maximising the prospect that the Court can gain insight into you unique personality. This insight may assist your representative with actual support and enable them to advocate for the best possible outcome.