Frequently Asked Questions


What is LAS

Legal Assessment Services (LAS) is a psychological assessment provider that has been designed for people who are required to appear in a local or magistrate court setting for criminal matters. Our aim is to provide you with a comprehensive and detailed report outlining you and your circumstances. This report is generated through the collection of data through our Indices Interpretation Report- Legal (IIR-L). The information collected is used to better assist your legal needs and will assist your solicitor to provide the best possible outcome within a courtroom scenario. With the support of LAS your solicitor will gain a clearer picture of who you are and the situation surrounding the event in question.


How does LAS help my solicitor?

The IIR report will provide your solicitor with an in-depth knowledge of your background and legal situation in a timely and costs effective manner saving you time and legal costs.

After answering the IIR questions administrated through the LAS website you will receive a report, which you provide to your solicitor. Your solicitor will use this report when stating your case to the magistrate. The report will be presented to the magistrate to read and consider. Having your LAS report will speed up the time it would typically take to resolve your matter and the process will be less complicated than if you pleaded your case without it. This process will assist you, your solicitor and the magistrate.

Why do I have to answer irrelevant Questions?

During your assessment, you may come across a series of questions that may feel irrelevant, boring, or dull. Questions range from personal information such as details about your family situation, you as a member of the community, employment and finances. These are all important questions when assessing you case based on real life circumstances. These questions may seem irrelevant to you, but each answer with help to piece together a comprehensive assessment of who you are as a member of society.

Will it matter if I answer untruthfully?

Yes. The test will be invalid if you have not answered the questions truthfully. Within the test there are measurements which are sensitive to untruthful. Outside of rending results invalid, if it is found that you were untruthful during your assessment this may show on your report and may be detrimental to your case.

What if I cannot finish the test in one sitting or I experience computer problems?

Before commencing the IIR-L ensure that you allow sufficient time to complete each section of the test. The test will save as you go, so in the event of your computer crashing or internet is disconnected you will be able to log back in to complete it. The time duration counter stops when your internet stops and is reactivated when you log back in.

What is the Indices Interpretation Report - Legal (IIR-L)?

The IIR-L presents the results, in short form, from series of psychological, emotional and systematic assessments.


Why doesn’t my solicitor ask these questions?

One of the main objectives of LAS is to provide you with a service that allows you to answer important and sometimes confronting questions at a time and place that is convenient and comfortable for you. Another purpose of the LAS report is so your solicitor will have access to information that would otherwise take an extensive amount of consultation time in their office. The benefit of the LAS report is that your solicitor will have a greater amount of specific information about you and your case without having to engage you in further consultation.

Who will have access to my report?

You are the only person authorised to access your report. It is your choice if you give it to your solicitor, or submit the report to the court and the magistrate. You may also nominate a family member, carer or spouse to receive your report on your behalf.

Why should I undertake the LAS test?

We understand that everyone and every case is unique, and to better appreciate your situation, your solicitor and the magistrate needs to know about you. This is achieved through a process of data collection through testing. The gathering of specific information and background details are vital to assisting in the process of presenting you the person in court and to properly identify mitigating factors.

The tests within IIR-L have been specifically chosen to gain a better understanding of you as an individual and your legal situation. The tests do not discriminate based on the offense, but rather allows others to understand the situation.

Will there be confronting questions?

You may come across questions that may seem confronting and questions you may not want to answer, but your answers will help your solicitor to better represent you as a person. We acknowledge that you are at a time in your life that is difficult, and to better understand the difficulties and struggles that you experience, we need to ask questions that are specific to these more confronting emotions.

What if I cannot take the IIR-L due to my disability?

LAS has a team of client assistant representatives who can assist you by walking you through your test. Alternatively, you can contact us and we can arrange for you to sit your test one of our nominated locations throughout Australia where you can undertake the test with one of our specialised representatives.

Who can I call for help?

You can contact LAS support staff on (02 9216 9062, or you can send us an email and we will be happy to assist.

How will LAS assist in my legal matters?

The sole purpose of the IIR-L is to provide a concise method of getting comprehensive information before the one person how will make the final decision, the Magistrate. This is achieved by providing you with a full and legally valid report that will maximise your chances of a lesser sentence. Like all legal representatives, we aim to help the magistrate understand your extenuating circumstances, and assist your solicitor to plead your case.

How will the Magistrate use the IIR-L?

There is no single answer to this question. The IIR-L simply presents detailed personal information about the defendant. Although it is hoped that will a detailed understanding of the defendant the Court may be encourage to consider the wide breath of options in exercising it’s decision making powers, ultimately it is becomes a matter for the Court.

What we know from experience is that without information the Court may not be aware of critical information can be the vital difference between outcomes.

Can someone else answer the questions on my behalf?

No, you are the only person who can answer the questions. Measures are in place that will ensure that the correct person is answering. Further legal penalties may apply to you and the other party if you are not the sole respondent of the IIR-L. Essentially it is in your best interest for you to answer the questions as they apply only to you.

Will the test take long?

It is recommended that you allow up to 45 minutes to complete all sections of the IIR-L. The questions are based on psychological factors, including a stress, depression and anxiety assessment, impulsivity, anger management, substance use, questions based on your personality, as well as questions surrounding your personal circumstances. They have been designed to capture as much information as possible. Each question is valuable to provide you with a complete report. It is best to answer the questions based on your first impression and not to spend a lot of time thinking about each question.

In addition in order to validate the results a telephone or video sessions will be arranged with one of our registered psychologists. This will usually take between 30-45mins to complete and is an essential process for the forensic validation of your online results.

What do I do if I do not want to answer a question?

It is vital that you answer all questions the best you can. It is best not to think too long on a question and answer it based on your first reaction. This technique assists in answering questions truthfully and concisely and allows you to move through the questions without thinking too much about each question.

What if I do not have internet access?

If you wish to undertake the IIR, but you cannot at home or at another recommended location, you can contact us and we will assist in locating a place where you can undertake the IIR. We also have nominated centres throughout Australia where you can sit the assessment.